Uniformed Groups
The 30th Rotherham Scout Group meets in the Activity Centre behind the church and is open to boys and girls. Beavers is for children aged 6-8 and meets on Mondays at 5.45pm. Cubs is for 8-10.5 year olds and meets on Thursdays at 7.00pm. Scouts is for 10.5-14 year olds and meets on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. We also join in with the church's monthly parade services, which are aimed at families, on the third Sunday of each month at 10.30am (except July, August and December). For more details, please contact Rachael Ridsdale.
The 54th Rotherham Rainbows meet on Tuesdays during term time at 5.45pm in the Clynes Hall (to the right of the church). Brownies meet at 6.00pm in the Activity Centre behind the church. We also join in with the church's monthly parade services, which are aimed at families, on the third Sunday of each month at 10.30am (except July, August and December). For more details, please contact Tracy Maher.