For Adults - Mondays to Saturdays

Although we try to keep this page updated, we recommend contacting the group directly to check they are running before coming to the church. Thank you.


Monday Club is a social group that meets on alternate Mondays from September to June at 10.30am-12.30pm in the church lounge. The Club enjoys a varied programme of speakers and outings and new members are always welcome. The cost per meeting is £1.50 which includes refreshments and a raffle. Please contact Margaret Jackson for more details (tel. 01709 363734).

The Parkinson's Group meets in the Church Lounge on the second Monday of each month from 12.30-3pm. Please contact Michael Speight for more details (tel. 07790 229134). 

A Table Tennis Group meets in the Activity Centre from 7-10pm.


Our Bible Study meets on alternate Tuesday mornings in term time from 10-11.30am in the church lounge. We usually watch a video, discuss a Bible passage together and pray.  Please contact Matt for more information.

U3A's Line Dancing meets in the Activity Centre (down the side gate, around the back of the church) from 10.15am-12.15pm. For more information visit

U3A's Flexercise meets in the Activity Centre (down the side gate, around the back of the church) from 3.45-5pm. For more information visit

Memory Lane CafeWednesdays

Morning Prayer meets from 8 January 2025 every week, 9.30-10am. A short time of prayer to refocus us on God, followed by tea/coffee and a chat afterwards.

Memory Lane Cafe meets on the last Wednesday of each month (except December) from 1.30-3.30pm to support those with dementia and their carers. See the poster for more details.

U3A's Singing for Fun meets on alternate Wednesdays in the Church from 10am-12 noon.  For more information visit

The U3A Art Class meets in the Clynes Hall (to the right of the church) from 10am-12 noon. For more information visit

The U3A Country Dancing Group meets on alternate Wednesdays in the Activity Centre (down the side alley, around the back of the church) from 10am-12 noon. For more information visit 

Rotherham Heart Support Group meet in the church lounge on the second Wednesday of each month from 12-3pm. Contact Ken Wassell on 07545093679 for more details.

Our Zoom Bible Study / House Group meets on alternate Wednesday evenings from 7.30-9pmWe usually watch a video, discuss a Bible passage together and pray.  Please contact Matt for more information.


Slimming World meets in the Activity Centre (down the side alley, around the back of the church) from 7.30-11.30am. For more details contact Caroline Hawson (tel. 07857 979258).

The Craft Group meets in the Church Lounge from 10am-12 noon on alternate Thursdays. 

The U3A Ukelele Group meets in the church from 10am-12 noon. For more information visit or phone John Todd on 07760 203982. 

A U3A Tai Chi Exercise Group meets in the Activity Centre (down the side alley, around the back of the church) from 2-3pm in term time. For more information visit

Rise Dance meets in the Activity Centre (down the side gate, around the back of the church) from 4.30-6.30pm in term time. Please contact Claire Stuart-Clarke on 07796 876465 for more details. 

The Linus Quilt-making Group meet monthly from 6-9.30pm. Contact Ellen Royston on 01709 790907 for more details. 


U3A's Card Making Group meets in the Church Lounge from 10am-12 noon. For more information visit

Connect Healthcare Rotherham holds walk-in sessions every Friday in the Clynes Hall (to the right of the church) from 2.30-5pm. See for more details.


Our Community Chat meets on the second Saturday of each month, 10am-12 noon.

Tai Chi meets in the Activity Centre (behind the church) on alternate Saturdays, 10am-2pm. Contact Chris Heczko on 07403 568081 for more details.

The Fibromyalgia Support Group meet on the first Saturday of each month from 12-2pm. Contact Angela Clarkson on 07526641411 for more details.

Deaf Connections meet in the Activity Centre (behind the church) on the second Saturday of each month, 1-4pm. Contact Sahreen Majid on 07984529365 for more details.


We have a Board Games Night on the first Monday of every month in the church lounge from 7-9.30pm. 

Board Games Evening

Stag Community Church has a number of rooms that may be hired for regular meetings and groups. For more information, please contact Nev Lilley on 07562 211301 or by email.