Who's Who?

Our Minister is Rev. Matt Stone

Matt StoneMatt works with the elders to lead and oversee the work of the church, and leads most of our Sunday morning services.  Matt is passionate about seeing people's lives transformed by Jesus. Matt is married to Jenni, and they have two young children. Matt is also Minister of Ardeen Road United Reformed Church, Doncaster.

Email Matt here.

Our Children & Families' Worker is Lu Hunt

Lu HuntOur Children's and Families' Worker works with our amazing team of volunteers to oversee Cheeky Chicks, Kids Club and our work with local schools. 

Email Lu here.

Our Youth & Young Adults' Worker is Kathy Wood

KathyOur Youth & Young Adults' Worker works with our amazing team of volunteers to oversee our youth club, Youth Breakfast and wider youth work. 

Email Kathy here.

Our Community Chaplain is Alan Wood

Alan WoodOur Community Chaplain works to help connect the church with the community, so that we can better share God's love and good news with those around us.

Email Alan here.

Our Church Secretary is Caroline Chettleburgh

Caroline is secretary to the Elders' and Church Meetings, and works to ensure that church life runs as smoothly as possible. 

Email Caroline here.

Our Administrator is Nev Lilley

Nev Lilley

Our Administrator oversees the booking of the premises as well as other administrative tasks. If you want to hire a room, please contact Nev on 07562 211301 or email Nev here.

Our Elders

We have a team of elders who meet monthly to oversee the vision, worship, ministry and mission of the church. Elders are elected at the church meeting for three year terms, and after serving two terms elders are required to take a 'sabbatical year'. Most of our elders are also our Charity Trustees.

Our elders for 2025 are: Caroline Chettleburgh (Church Secretary), David Chettleburgh (Safeguarding Lead), Mike Ede, Val Ede, Lu Hunt (Co-Youth & Children's Elder and Deputy Safeguarding Officer), Joan Jenkins, Paul Jenkins (Fabric Convenor), Stephen Roth (Treasurer), Dorothy Thomas, Richard Williams and Kathy Wood (Co-Youth & Children's Elder).

Our Safeguarding Officers

Our Safeguarding Officers are Dave Chettleburgh and Lu Hunt. Email them here if you have any questions or concerns. You can also contact the United Reformed Church's Yorkshire Safeguarding Officer, Carrie Kaunda, here.